1. Beef in Beer

    Beef in Beer (Carbonnade of Beef)

    This recipe originally comes from the Women's Weekly Cookbook (1984 edition).

    Making it today for a family celebration at the request of the birthday girl.

    Carbonnade of Beef

    1.5kg chuck or round steak 60g butter 2 large onions 2 tbsp of flour 1 …

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  2. Ambrosia


    This is a traditional dessert from Jenny's family. I beleive it counts as a salad in parts of the US, but we use it as a dessert. Seems weird to people when they here the ingredients, but it's very popular and I usually triple the recipe. Delicious


    1 …

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  3. First Post


    I've lost count of how many blogs I've started and abandoned, and this will probably be just one more.

    Still, I'd like to have somewhere to store things I learn, memories, recipes and reflections so we'll see how I go.

    I'm Neill, eventually there'll be an about me page …

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