First Post


I've lost count of how many blogs I've started and abandoned, and this will probably be just one more.

Still, I'd like to have somewhere to store things I learn, memories, recipes and reflections so we'll see how I go.

I'm Neill, eventually there'll be an about me page, but in the meantime I'm a Gen X (just escaped being a boomer), father of six and grandparent of four. I've been happily married to my wife Jennifer for 37 years and it's quite clear I'm not going to do any better. I'm an IT nerd - F/OSS, Linux, Python, cloud things. I'm quite religious (Catholic, some theological study), but I believe that the main message of Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular is that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and that God loves us all, and wants me to love you all too.

I enjoy (virtual) table top roleplaying games, discussions, music (especially Jazz and because we can't escape our upbringing, music from the 80s), cooking and spending time with my family.

I'm left of center on most political issues and I'm very disappointed (or angry) with my countries record on human rights, especially our treatment of refugees.

Mostly what's going to go here are recipes, things I want to remember and links to IT related things I've found useful.

So, you've been warned and I'm not sure why you'd bother reading all of this.