BBQ Sauce

BBQ Sauce

Every Christmas my immediate family gets together to make hampers as a collective gift for our extended family. My contribution is homemade BBQ sauce. Every time Christmas rolls around again I try to remember what I made and how many quantities. This year as a favour to future Neill I'm actually making some notes.


150ml jars seem the appropriate size.


This year I made Hey Grill Hey's Whiskey Peach BBQ Sauce and Carolina Mustard

3 x the peach sauce and 2 x the Carolina sauce. Both delicious but I expect the peach sauce will be more popular.

2 jars of the St Dalfour peach spread made 3 quantities of Peach sauce 2 550g containers of mustard where a bit much for the Carolina sauce but one wouldn't have been enough.

Filled 9 x 150g jars and 3 x 300g jars with the sauces.

Made a double quantity of the Hey Grill Hey Hot Sweet rub

Next year 6 quantities of whichever sauces is probably about right.