1. Dracula Pro, dircolors and Fedora35

    I recently bought Dracula Pro and installed the gnome-terminal theme on my F35 laptop. Everytime I opened a new terminal I would get the error /usr/bin/cat: /home/ncox/.dir_colors: Is a directory

    It looks like this theme is tested against Ubuntu rather than Fedora/CentOS/RHEL.

    Fedora expects …

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  2. Canberra Pie Day

    Today was both Canberra day and Pie Day so we celebrated by getting up at stupid o'clock to see the hot air balloons and then driving for 3.5 hours to get a pie from Gum Tree pies in Wodonga. Partly motivated by them not turning up at the Farmers' …

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  3. Setting ryslog and haproxy

    Setting up remote logging with rsyslogd and haproxy on RHEL8

    The highly available haproxy/keepalived that I am setting up needs to log all connections. I've decided to set this up using a rsyslogd on a remote machine.

    The system is currently running in OpenStack on a private network with …

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  4. Setting up a simple systemd service

    Setting up a simple systemd service

    Disclaimer: Not an expert on either systemd or ansible, but this is something I may need to do again...

    Recently I needed to test an haproxy setup with a service running on an arbitrary port. I didn't need anything fancy so decided to go …

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  5. Using a canvas for a dynamic(ish) background image

    Using a canvas to provide a dynamic background

    For tedious reasons the image I had chosen for this blog's background wasn't suitable.

    A bit of googling found the suggestion of using a dynamically generated image as a background via a canvas.

    The one I settled on is from https://codepen …

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